Friday, September 29, 2006

Strange Welcome

I got back the other day.

Yesterday was a strange welcome. The strongest typhoon to hit Manila in 11 years (according to the papers) greeted me strong and hard.

Driving through EDSA today, the devastation just hit me.

Other bloggers also wrote about this:

A lot of people complained about the deaths caused by unsafe billboard installations. They really ought to take those billboards down. There's just too many of them, and the visual clutter is so unappealing. They can start with those Bench billboards whose models look like they have oversized heads (what's up with those new billboards, anyway?)

It's weird because among all of my friends who got their own pad, I was the one who was the least obssessive compulsive about it.

Strange because my building was spared (although I still didn't have electricity when I left for work). My friends who bought units in newer, more posh buildings had water coming in their rooms. To think the glass windows were supposed to be Wind-proof. So much for the Php5,000 monthly dues.

My head's a mess right now. For one, I have jetlag. Secondly, too many not-so-fortunate things are happening to me that I am not ready to talk about it yet. At least, not here.

Monday, September 18, 2006

No Moonlit Skies in Paris

We always loved to go to beaches together. But there are no beaches in Paris. Just the river bank. Maybe some other parts of France does. But not Paris.

So we went for late lunch, a chat, and a walk. I tried to resist the temptation of calling her, but she found out I was going through a common friend.

She's late. So unlike her. But she was alone. Good for me. Threes a crowd.

The scene would've been romantic. Walking along the banks of the river in this well-publicized romantic city. Except that we weren't a couple.

We're just friends.

I know and feel that now.

I thought my heart would start pounding and I'll remember everything that was there. Oddly, there was nothing. No thrills, except the thrill of seeing an old in a dog when he meets his long lost master.

Such were the affections I felt then...walking along the Parisian Riverbanks.