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So said the Kalabarians

I was scanning this career-related book that a friend of mine was reading. It said that everything about you communicates something…including your name. And some of the back pages indicate the correlation of names to affluence or educational attainment in the US. As well as the top first names associated with crimes and so on and so forth.

They just show the top 7 names per category and then there’s a break down between males and females. There’s a female name that appeared in the Top list of first names for babies of affluent families, white-collared families, families whose head of the family has finished college. Guess what that name was? Alexandra.
Sorry, I just had to say that. This stalker is obviously still fixated.

Parents really ought to be careful when choosing names. It could be detrimental to the child's career!

So I tried to check out the implication of my name and I chanced upon this website which contained had interesting meanings behind names. The only problem is that it only accepts one first name. Most Filipinos have 2 given names, which meant I had to type two names.

First I analyzed my primary target’s name. Not just the powerful name, but including the other given name. Here are some interesting excerpts:

Her other first name it said: You have a quick-minded, sensitive nature. It gives you a clever, creative ability in art, music, singing, or drama and an appreciation for refined surroundings.

Your sociable nature expresses affection, kindness, and thoughtfulness to the extent that it is difficult for you not to be affected by others and governed by your emotions, rather than by logic and reason. As you respond to love and encouragement from others, your romantic and dreamy nature can easily lead you into love affairs.

–I guess all Triple A stalkers can attest to that last part.

Your name of Alexandra causes you to place considerable importance upon the material aspect of life. You have an eye for quality, desiring always the very best that money can buy, and you are not content with anything that is second best. You are quick to size up others, and this appraisal is based upon their physical appearance, their clothes, and whether they have achieved material success and the standards of quality that you have set in your own mind.

--Hmmm. Okay. So I therefore conclude out of my league talaga.

What about me?

This name, when combined with the last name, can cause health weaknesses in the reproductive organs, and elimination system.

- Where is the “elimination system”? Which part of the body ba yan?

Your name of Miguel has made you practical, systematic, and thorough. This name encourages the expression of leadership and organizational skills, shrewdness, and analytical ability.

Particular about your material possessions, you keep everything you own in a good state of repair, and you budget your personal finances very carefully.

-- Nako po. Yung isa mahilig sa material possessions, ako naman daw mahilig magbudget. Sobrang disjoint talaga.

My other first name naman has created a practical, patient, scientific nature able to concentrate on the finer details of a project or undertaking.You would function best in settled conditions where you are not called upon to meet and mix too closely with others, but are able to work on your own. This name restricts congenial expression and association, creating much aloneness.

--But I don’t to be alone. And I just realized I have two boring names. Wala man lang mention of anything about my love life. It’s all about projects and work. This is sad.

What about my dear friend?
Although the name Ivah creates the urge to be creative and original, we emphasize that it limits your versatility and scope, tuning you to technical details. This name, when can cause health weaknesses and accidents to the head, and the elimination system.

Your first name of Ivah has made you a hard worker with a meticulous sense of detail. You have a great deal of patience and independence, and you can be relied upon to complete your undertakings. You are stable, trustworthy, homeloving, and logical in practical matters, but rather unresponsive to suggestions from others. You resist change.

While the name Denise creates the urge to be creative and original, we point out that it causes procrastination, lack of confidence, and the inability to realize your goals and ambitions.

--Fine, Fine, dito ako natawa:

Your personal appearance is important to you, for you desire to make a good impression on others.

--Ito pa.

Your pleasant manner attracts people to you with their problems and you are capable of offering practical advice, though you may not follow such advice yourself.

-- And no wonder may pagka-showbiz:

This name causes you to be somewhat too concerned with the personalities, problems, and activities of other people.

O. Walang pikunan. Hindi ako ang nag-associate ng ganyang meanings sa names. Find out what yours means, just check out http://www.kabalarians.com/

Lemme guess, Freakonomics?

@Sherley: Ayun! Yep I think that was the book. I was just scanning it. Kinukulit ko lang siya. Maybe I should get a copy. Actually di Alexandra lahat, different permutations like Alejandra, Ally (I forgot everything already) but they are all permutations of Alexandra.

-- to think you wrote about triple a and myself in one entry...hmmmm...

Finally figured out why you are "Same MO"?

yeah. medyo malabo nga siguro...it's not that you're of same M.O. but...never mind.

Anyway, speaking of Triple A, I may have to go to a Spanish Speaking country by end of September or Early October to shoot some stuff.It's so ironic, now that I need quick basic tutoring I have no way of reaching my "favored" Spanish Teacher :D

and she knows spanish too!?!

...be still my heart. ;p

that's funny. that's exactly what she said in the lifestyle asia article: "I enjoyed my Spanish class in college so much, I decided to study some more and now I'm even teaching it." :D

Gomz, i'd recommend you to read the book. That book wasn't about names - it was more of applied economics in unconventional ways.

Investing in it? Hmm maybe Tipping Point or World is Flat would give you a longer long-run returns.

That is if you are a reader.

But go check www.freakonomics.com before buying. You'll get a taste of the book ;)

p/s: Tagalog and I aren't exactly the best of friends. I normally go 'Huh?'

thanks sherley. sorry about the tagalog.

may i just say that the VISA applications for these latin american countries are in SPANISH and PORTUGUESE. I need to access an online translator just to fill these up.

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