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I should care

About the Economic and Political Reforms that Ms. Arroyo mentioned in her SONA,
Instead of laughing about how boring her speech was* and how I could've written it better...

That my grandfather wants me to take up some Political Admin short courses in UP,
So I can run in the next local election in his province... (as if I'm interested in Politics)

That the gas costs four times as much now than where it was 10 years ago,
Instead of hoping to get a car with a bigger engine...

That my financial liquidity is approaching critical levels
Instead of insisting upon my promise to buy my baby sis a car this year...

That my father already had me at 26, while I stand with no girlfriend and no permanent dates,
Instead of just wasting my time working 12-hour, 6-day, workdays...

That 2 of my colleagues are on vacation (and can afford to go on vacation)
And I can't even plan one for myself...

To think about what I really want out of life and where I want to go
Instead of wandering aimlessly, trying to get by day by day...

Something must be wrong with me cause I don't.
I can only think about the deadlines looming and additional workload.
I can't get out of my head the two photographs I saw yesterday:
One in a magazine with my favorite model (on the catwalk) in Boracay when I saw her and I couldn't believe that I actually find her cute in the photo even if it was a frozen image and she wasn't walking.

Or that other photo of "Primary Target" where she modelled for an clothing line
And I can't help but wonder why she sported that hairstyle and didn't comb her hair properly when she knew she was going to be in a catwalk.

Talk about quarterlife issues...

*to read. I didn't get to hear her deliver it. But it seemed boring when I was reading the transcript.

While I have no BIOLOGICAL CLOCK, I want to be strong enough to play with my kids and watch them grow.

I want to be the groovy-daddy. Not the Lolo type.

Or that other photo of "Primary Target" where she modelled for an clothing line
And I can't help but wonder why she sported that hairstyle and didn't comb her hair properly when she knew she was going to be in a catwalk.

Hi Gomz, I don't think Primary Target has a say on how her hair will look while walking the catwalk. They have hairstylists and other stylists fix them hours before the show and just before call time. Hair and makeup are all done by pros. If her hair looked "messy", that was the look they were aiming for. ;)

No, I don't mean the messy styled look.

She looked like she got out of the car on her way to the show and just decided: "Hey I wanna tie my hair." Without the aid of the mirror she ties her hair, with some of the bangs falling off.

That was her look. It wasn't the "just-got-out-of-bed Jennifer Aniston" or the messy grunge Gwyneth Paltrow look.

And Oh, Abby. I don't quite know if you're a model, sorry if that comment offended you.

If the stylist were aiming for the kind of messy look on her, I don't think it fit her. And I feel for her then. Because I certainly know how it feels like to wear hear you don't like. Case in point: my porcupine hair.


wHats gotten into my slightly naughty little princess lately? Getting ever so bold and controversial, I see ;p took me a while to rebound on your last comment. i don't quite know how to react.ha!

I get the sow and reap comment. And I do love to meet your 2 friends, if only my schedule werent so crazy.

However, I don't want the random planting/sowing.

I want to fall in love.
I want the go crazy looking for a ring, getting down on one knee, perspiring and stuttering while proposing scene.

I want the trying to figure out where to get money to pay for the wedding and the honeymoon in Greece.

To quote a line from the Musical, "Baby", I want it all.

Been saving myself for that special girl for 3 years now. It's not easy, believe me. But she deserves it.

She so deserves it.

And I will be so deserving of her. :D

Hi Gomz, no of course I'm not offended. Just curious as to who her stylist was. Hehehe! Was it that bad? A friend of mine does that bangs-hanging-all-over-her-face "messy" look when we go out sometimes. It looks sexy.

To quote a line from the Musical, "Baby", I want it all.

I was able to watch that play, surprisingly Jet Pangan was good.

Regarding PGMAs sona, I found it quite entertaining with all of her props (her graphs and visuals, the persons mentioned in her speech) queued on time. This was the first SONA of any president that I've watched from start to finish. It was promising; I especially liked the concept of “super regions”.

hi.. been reading ur blog ever since triple a disappeared..

anwae, i just noticed.. seems like you and ivah have so much in common...

d kaya u ARE the two meant for each other?

hehe.. just noticed! :D

I get what you mean about the messy sexy hairstyle. I have an officemate here, sometimes in the middle of a brainstorming she just ties her hair without looking at the mirror, with her bangs falling off. Looks quite sexy.

But Primary Targets hair didn't look quite like that coz all other models' hair were neat while she was alone looking "messy". I'd post a picture here, but I'd rather not, coz I don't want the female readers "okray-ing" her. Hehehe! I still care, you know ;p

Yeah I like "baby" too. You know when I can get a full soundtrack? The ones they were selling were only highlights. It didn't contain some of the songs I liked.

Kaw ha. Chismis to. Yeah I think we are meant for each other...to be the best online friend/literal sparring partners or so.

And...Ivah..c'mon, what's the big secret?

you keep dangling the carrot
one day i just might bite. ;p

and one day i will write about you too...perhaps write to you.

your last entry bothered me a bit.

hi gomz..

i added ur blog as one of my links.
hope u wont mind.

uuy..i smell something. a new loveteam maybe.hehe..

God bless..

maybe coz the rabbit always goes for the carrot?

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